Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Energy Shift

       It is an exciting time, though it be confusing and disconcerting at times.  Those of us in the "energy field" have felt shifts in the universal energy and are aware of our personal vibrations rising.  By personal vibration, I am talking about that we are made up of energy and we each vibrate/broadcast our own individual frequencies to each other and the world.  As cosmic vibrations change, so do we.  Our ability to manifest is quickening, our connection to Divine Source is getting closer.  
       It is imperative that we stay in the energy of love, as opposed to fear.  When our ego and brain turn to "monkey-mind", jumping all over the place, this is the framework of fear.  It is the human experience to do this.  Staying in it is the problem.  It takes a conscious effort, and choice, to look at a situation in the framework of the Serenity Prayer.  Sometimes fear has a purpose in that it pushes us to take action.  Other times it leads to fearful thinking about things we cannot change, cannot control.  At this point, I am learning, it is time to switch to "what would love do?" (Karen Paolino wrote a book with this title.)  Ask for help, from whatever and wherever you are in a spiritual sense.  I now fully recognize the importance of the angelic realm in that the angels and archangels are God's helpers.  I ask for help.  For someone who was always independent with a strong internal locus of control, this is a switch!
       I still have a strong sense of internal control, but now I choose to ask for help and ask for help in letting go.  With this, there is an opportunity to experience moments of peace.
       Tomorrow is 11-11-11.  In terms of Divine communication, the numbers are significant.  There are many who are planning meditation sessions at 11:11 am (and/or pm) on 11-11-11.  I plan to tune into this, allowing myself to enter the portal of energy opening to us, basking in the awareness that this is a time of growth and healing.  I am grateful for this experience and ask that I continue my path with love, grace and gratitude.  And so it is.

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