Friday, May 31, 2013


       The evolution of my path has been phenomenal.  I became aware, a knowing, that there was something else for me.  So, I said to Spirit, "Show Me."
       And so they did.  About twenty minutes later.  I checked my email, and there was a message from Karen Paolino Correia.  She is the owner of Heaven on Earth in Pembroke, MA and the one that I did both angel certification classes with.  She was describing her Soul Entrainment certification, a process that she has trademarked.
As I read it, I said, "Oh my God.  This is it! And I just asked to be shown!"  I printed the description and showed it to my husband, explaining that I felt this would be my next step, as it just so resonated with me.  After reading it, he said that he was also thinking about it.  I forwarded it to a fellow council member of the church, who also was feeling pulled.  So, off we three went to Pembroke.  To say this was a transformative experience is an understatement.
       Karen started her journey with this in 1996 when she asked, "How can I see into the Soul?"  Your Soul is your higher wisdom.  It is you, as you are a Soul having an earthly experience.  It knows your past, present, and future.  
       During a session you are guided to a deep meditation.  You use your own abilities to communicate with your Soul.  You are getting the answers.  We are the guides, the facilitators.  This is what makes this different and so powerful.  Your Soul will never bring you to an area or issue that you are not ready for.  And I have already seen this.  It is an opportunity to heal deep core issues that are affecting your life today.  A session may be purely informative with guidance for your highest and best, or it can be one of deep healing when information from a past event in this life, or past lives, is presented to you for healing.
       I told Karen that I have been a witness to healing, but not like this.  The joy of witnessing someone's energy shift to one of relief, lightness, joy, peace, is beyond description.  The information acquired during a session can often help someone make sense of things, put the pieces of the puzzle together, of why something is the way it has been, and no longer needs to be.  It is awesome.
       A huge benefit of learning this process has been to purge myself of issues and energy that no longer serves me.  There were sessions for me in the training and I have done sessions with both my friend and my husband as my facilitators.  I speak from experience when I talk of putting the pieces of the puzzle together. It is an old adage that one must heal oneself first, but I cannot stress enough how important this is.  Sharing the experiences of one's own journey can serve as a link to helping another.
       I sound like this is the new, best thing since sliced bread.  However, I have heard from my Soul, my guides that my husband and I were brought to this.  It is a significant part of what we are to do as part of the commitment to be in service to God for the rest of our earthly lives.  And so it is.  I AM THAT I AM.
       PS:  Please continue to do the Violet Flame.  It is soooo powerful and I am convinced that the healing the Violet Flame has provided to us paved the way for this next step on our path.

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